Felton earned a B.S. in Pharmacy and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses broadly on solid dosage forms with an emphasis on polymeric film coating and modified release delivery systems. She oversees the formulation development of drug products for clinical trials at the Department of Veteran?s Affairs Cooperative Studies Program.
Declaração pessoal
Diferentes polímeros são usados para alcançar diferentes perfis de liberação de drogas e Felton se interessou em usar esses excipientes para modificar a liberação de drogas quando começou a pós-graduação.
Áreas de especialidade
Revestimento de filme polimérico
Sistemas de entrega de liberação modificados, incluindo liberação sustentada, liberação atrasada e mascaramento de sabor
PhD, Universidade do Texas em Austin, 1997 (Farmacêutica)
BS, Universidade do Texas em Austin, 1986 (Farmácia)
Pesquisa e bolsa de estudos
Felton?s primary research interests are focused broadly on modified release drug delivery systems and more specifically on polymeric film coating technology. Ongoing studies are investigating the film-tablet interface, novel methodologies to characterize properties of coated solids, and the influence of formulation and processing variables on product performance. Another research area of interest involves formulation development, blinding, and cGMP manufacturing of solid dosage forms for use in clinical trials, through her joint appointment with the Department of Veteran?s Affairs Cooperative Studies Program.